Traditional Korean Foods That Pair Perfectly with Korean BBQ


Korean BBQ is renowned for its rich, savory flavors and the social experience of cooking at the table. However, what truly enhances this culinary delight are the traditional Korean side dishes and accompaniments that complement the BBQ. These side dishes, known as “banchan,” along with various Korean staples, elevate the dining experience, making it more diverse and enjoyable. In this post, we’ll explore traditional Korean foods that pair perfectly with Korean BBQ, offering a comprehensive guide to enrich your next BBQ feast.

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Essential Banchan (Side Dishes)

1. Kimchi (김치)


Kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine, made from fermented vegetables, most commonly napa cabbage and Korean radishes. It is seasoned with chili powder, garlic, ginger, and fish sauce, giving it a spicy, tangy flavor.

Why It Pairs Well

The acidity and spice of kimchi cut through the rich, fatty flavors of BBQ meats, providing a refreshing contrast and aiding digestion.

2. Kongnamul Muchim (콩나물 무침)


This is a simple yet delicious side dish made from blanched soybean sprouts seasoned with sesame oil, garlic, and salt.

Why It Pairs Well

The crunchy texture and nutty flavor of kongnamul muchim add a pleasant contrast to the tender, grilled meats.

3. Japchae (잡채)


Japchae is a savory and slightly sweet dish made with stir-fried glass noodles, vegetables, and a hint of soy sauce and sesame oil.

Why It Pairs Well

The chewy texture of the noodles and the blend of flavors in japchae complement the smokiness of BBQ, adding variety to the meal.

4. Gamja Jorim (감자 조림)


Gamja jorim is a braised potato dish cooked in a sweet and savory soy sauce glaze, often with a touch of garlic and sesame oil.

Why It Pairs Well

The soft, sweet potatoes provide a comforting balance to the robust flavors of the BBQ dishes.

Traditional Korean Soups and Stews

1. Doenjang Jjigae (된장찌개)


This is a hearty soybean paste stew made with vegetables, tofu, and occasionally seafood or meat. It has a deep, umami flavor.

Why It Pairs Well

Doenjang jjigae’s rich, savory broth complements the BBQ, providing a warming, satisfying element to the meal.

2. Kimchi Jjigae (김치찌개)


Kimchi jjigae is a spicy, tangy stew made with ripe kimchi, tofu, pork (optional), and various vegetables.

Why It Pairs Well

The bold flavors of kimchi jjigae enhance the grilled meats, adding a spicy, tangy dimension that keeps the palate excited.

3. Tteokguk (떡국)


Tteokguk is a traditional soup made with sliced rice cakes, often served during the Lunar New Year. It’s typically seasoned with beef broth and garnished with egg and seaweed.

Why It Pairs Well

The mild, comforting flavors of tteokguk provide a soothing counterpoint to the intense flavors of Korean BBQ.

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Korean Staples

1. Steamed Rice (밥)


Plain steamed white rice is an essential part of any Korean meal, providing a neutral base that complements the strong flavors of other dishes.

Why It Pairs Well

Steamed rice balances the rich, savory, and sometimes spicy flavors of BBQ, helping to cleanse the palate between bites.

2. Ssamjang (쌈장)


Ssamjang is a thick, spicy paste made from doenjang (soybean paste), gochujang (red chili paste), garlic, onion, and sesame oil.

Why It Pairs Well

Used as a dipping sauce for meat wrapped in lettuce or perilla leaves, ssamjang adds a flavorful kick, enhancing the overall BBQ experience.

3. Lettuce Wraps (상추쌈)


Lettuce wraps, often served with perilla leaves, are used to wrap small portions of grilled meat, rice, and ssamjang.

Why It Pairs Well

The fresh, crisp lettuce provides a refreshing contrast to the rich BBQ meats, and the wraps make for a neat, flavorful bite.

Fermented and Pickled Delicacies

1. Danmuji (단무지)


Danmuji is pickled daikon radish, often bright yellow and slightly sweet and tangy.

Why It Pairs Well

The crunchy texture and tangy flavor of danmuji help cleanse the palate and balance the richness of BBQ meats.

2. Oi Muchim (오이 무침)


Oi muchim is a spicy, tangy cucumber salad made with vinegar, chili powder, and sesame seeds.

Why It Pairs Well

The crisp, refreshing cucumber salad provides a cooling contrast to the heat and smokiness of the BBQ dishes.


Pairing traditional Korean foods with Korean BBQ can transform your meal into an extraordinary culinary experience. From the refreshing crunch of kimchi and kongnamul muchim to the comforting warmth of doenjang jjigae and tteokguk, these dishes offer a harmonious balance of flavors and textures that enhance the enjoyment of Korean BBQ. Next time you plan a Korean BBQ, consider including these traditional foods to impress your guests and delight your taste buds.

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